Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Mood Board

Biodiversity is. the co-existence of various
biological species within a sustained environment.
be it a mushroom to a human, a cat to a squirrel.
these beings exist in many forms for others necessity
or through the general evolutionary chain.


My mood board is pretty basic
some images crammed together
to get some ideas flowing. I'm thinking,
what would be the most challenging thing to
animate in 3d. im not going to go to over the
top like. I'm pretty sure i know
what I'm going to do anyway.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Reaction to the brief

well the brief looks pretty good, shall be a challenge,
looking at others in the class it shall be fun to see what
they produce and who is going to produce really good
work. The brief itself is based on Biodiversity, we have
to produce 3 stamps 1st class (the 52p and 62p variables).

we have the whole semester to complete the work but i
think i will start straight away as this is the module i have
most been looking forward to since beginning the course.